Wednesday, March 18, 2009


These days things had been just as crazy at the office as it always had been, but he faced them with with fervor. Since the episode at the lift, he had a spring in his step; and he'd been looking forward to seeing her. Her weekend trip had extended to mid- week, and in the rush to catch up what's behind, they've had few if not little opportunity to meet.

In the intervening days, he'd had urgent assignments that's kept him busy punching the keyboard at his desk or locked away in meetings elsewhere. Not being able to see her in person, he'd resorted to sending smileys and text messages despite not getting any replies.

Until today. They'd met at the cafeteria at the end of the workday by chance and decided to sit together. He once again relaxed in her company and they chatted about the trip, the things that needed to be done and all. Things went silent for a moment when he suddenly said,"I've missed you..". She looked away from his gaze, down to her mug of hot
chocolate. Her finger tracing the rim of her mug, she whispered quietly, "I missed u too."

"I wish we could be alone," he said, wistfully.

She suddenly looked up, looked around and changed the topic. He guessed that she'd probably not want to talk about it so he let it be. He suddenly regretted sending all those text messages and felt rather silly to keep sending them even though she
had not replied.

They spoke about work a bit more, then packed up and walked back silently to their office. It was past closing time, and the office was deserted.

She had followed him to his office, and stood at the door as he sat down and turned his attention to the computer screen. He had muttered something about having to finish his report and heard her say something in response, heard the door click and assumed that she'd left him to his work.

As he focused on the screen, he felt someone come near. Her breath was hot, measured and heavy in his ear. She placed her hand over his knuckles and curled her fingers below, against his palm. Instinctively he tightened his fingers around hers, fighting the sudden rush in his chest as he felt her lips behind his ear. He held his breath, straightened up and arched his back, the desire beginning to burn as she stoked it with soft, warm kisses, alternating with gentle nibbling of his ear, and brushing of her lips just behind his ear, and down his neck.

He turned his seat around and stood up to face her. He pressed his lips againsts hers, feeling it soft and warm as he stroked her back. She pressed her body against his, her fingers in his hair and stroking his face, as she rubbed her body against him. He stroked her ear with his tongue, rolling her earring in his mouth and kissed her neck, her breath heavy in his ears as he ran his fingers from her ear, down her neck, tracing her collar bone to the button on her blouse. There she caught his finger and pushed herself away.

Surprised, he stood there, wondering if he'd read her wrong. She turned away from his gaze, tears welling in her eyes. "I'm sorry.. I..I.. didn't mean to..", she said, looking away. Then she turned away and hurried out of his office.

Friday, March 13, 2009


It was one of those mornings where waking up took more effort than usual. He had hardly noticed falling asleep, and the alarm clock jarred him awake without him even realizing that he had fallen asleep. The drive to work was far busier than usual, slow cars and meandering bikes getting in the way of a smooth journey. Putting on the parking brake, he took a deep breath and stretched in his seat, relieved that the trip was over. He looked in dismay at the clock. It was 5 past the hour, and she had most probably left.
He thumped the steering wheel in frustration, got out and slammed the door. He hung over the door, elbows on the roof. And he took a deep breath, gathered himself and walked to the lift.
Just as his luck had been, the lift chose to stop at every single floor. He looked at the watch on his wrist over and over, wishing that things would speed up. He breathed a Sigh of relief as the elevator chimed at his floor.
The door parted, and there she stood, trolley suitcase in tow as she stepped into the lift. She gave a surprised gasp as she saw him.
"Hi!" she said as they both squeezed past each other at the lift door.
He stood straddling the lift doorway as she pressed the lift button to hold the door open.
They exchanged pleasantries for a while, being formal colleagues. He fought the urge to throw his arms around her. There was an awkward silence as both ran out of things to say.
He reached out and touched her arms and quickly withdrew as he saw her eyes look around in case someone was watching. He looked down to the floor and struggled to say how he was feeling.
"I'm glad I caught you," she said, as if reading his mind,"I'm gonna miss you this weekend." She took his hand and gave a squeeze. "You take care of yourself".
He wanted to respond with a "sure, you too!" and his trademark grin but it stuck in his throat when he looked up into her eyes. Tears were beginning to form in the corner of her eyes. He pulled her near and wrapped his arms around her tightly. "I'm gonna miss you, too," he whispered into her ear, "a lot." He stepped back, held her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "I love you".
He stepped away from the lift and watched as the door close in front of him.He took a deep breath, composed himself, turned on his heel and walked towards his office as his mobile phone buzzed with an incoming message.
"I love you too, sayang. I always have."

Sunday, March 8, 2009


She was engaged in discussion so she did not see him come in. He saw her from the corner of his eye, but he stole a quick look and walked on to his party of guests. After the cursory introductions, he stood his place amongst his guests so he could have a clear view of her. And it remained that way until he saw her shaking hands and saying her goodbyes that he, too, began to take his leave.
He walked quickly, not too quickly to attract notice, until he caught up with her and slowed his pace to match hers. She turned to face him in surprise, and he gave her a quick smile. "hi!" she said," fancy seeing you here!"
He wanted to throw her a hug, but checked himself when he remembered that he was in a public place. He placed his hand on her elbow, ran it down her arm to her hand, locked fingers and said," The Hilton, Room 318, 730 pm." He gave her hand a quick squeeze, and disappeared into the crowd.
She could only manage a gasp before she lost sight of him. She stood there, craning her neck in case she might still see him. She put her hand to her face and remembered how warm his hand was in hers, and, like a drop of water on a hot surface, the memory of it was fading away.
Much later in the day, as she was leaving, she walked to the elevators, her mind on what he had said. The elevator door opened, and to her surprise, there he was, leaving, too. His eyes lit up when he saw her; and the moment the doors closed, she threw her arms around him, holding him tightly, pressing her lips against his in a long, drawn kiss, running her fingers on the sides of his face, running them through his hair.
She had longed to have him alone, and in this short moment, he was hers, and that was all that was in her mind.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A breakfast to start the day

"can i join you?", he asked, cradling his pc, writing pad and lunch box.
She looked up at him in surprise. "sure!" she said, and quickly moved her cereal and fruit yogurt aside. "having breakfast here for a change?"
He grinned. He'd always munch down his breakfast at his desk, but with the papers, files and reports sprawled across his desk, he needed a clear space. And a friendly face, too, he thought cheekily to himself.
Being with her, he began to relax as they chatted over breakfast. And he began to notice that she did not pack her cereal off the shelf. She brought her own cereal in a little tub, which she scooped into a smaller cup. She opened a little plastic cup and poured its creamy contents into her bowl, scraping the insides of the cup with her spoon. Then she fished out from the little paper bag next to her a little tub of raisins, which she scooped out with her tea spoon, onto the palm of her hand and sprinkled it with aplomb over the cereal. Then she would swirl the teaspoon to mix the cereal, wipe the yogurt on the sides of the tub with her fingers, lick them off and smacked her lips together.
She'd dangle her spoon in front of her lips as she spoke, feeding little mouthfuls in between conversations. Sometimes, when thinking, reflecting, she'd cock her head to one side, spoon pointed upwards as she rocked her crossed knees from side to side.
He found himself looking at her more than eating his chopped apples. He propped his chin on one elbow, leaning towards her as they conversed, sharing jokes and giggling like two teenagers on an outing.
Having finished their breakfast and packed their boxes together, she found a bit of yogurt on her fingers. She held those fingers in front of her while she looked for her tissues, and instinctively, he leaned over and kissed the yogurt off her fingers.
There was a stunned silence as he realized what he had done; and as he stammered with something to say, she gave a cheeky smile, playfully pinched his nose and walked off.

Monday, March 2, 2009

A friend indeed

He wanted to call her name, but it wasn't wise to do so and he checked himself.
The idea was outlandish, but he decided to do it just the same. Now, standing in the corner, watching her, he wasn't too sure.
She was pacing in front of the entrance at the top most step. She had her phone to her ear and she spoke pointedly into the phone as she paced, to the edge of the landing, turning on her heel, walking back to the door and stopping to make her point heard. Many times she stopped and stared at the floor, shoulders hunched ; eyes weary as she listened to the voice in the phone.
He waited till she ended her call looking like she was about to throw the phone in exasperation when she hesitated, put one arm around herself, looked down and covered her eyes with her other hand.
He took a deep breath and strode towards her. She dropped her hand from her face, startled, as she saw him approach the bottom step. Her mouth opened to say something, but didn't when he waved at her and brought his index finger to his lips.
"Let's go," he said. "C'mon".
"What are you doing here?" she asked; but he ignored that. He offered her his hand, arm outstretched and gently pulled her close as she took his hand. He wrapped his arm around her, kissed her forehead and stroked her back till he felt her calm down and relax. And feeling secure in his arms, her strength and fortitude melted; and she began to cry beginning with little sniffles that soon became shuddering sobs on his shoulders.
He held her tightly, letting every single emotion tide and ebb in his arms.
He set her down on the steps and sat next to her. He brushed away the tears with his thumb and stroked her cheeks.
She couldn't go with him, so he sat next to her holding her hand watching the sun set.
And he sat there quietly, not saying a word until she began to recount the events of the day.