Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bus Stop 13

The bright, early morning calm was shattered by the blast of an air horn, a screech of tires and a screeching of birds shaken awoken in a flutter of wings. The bus lurched forwards and back again as the air brakes released and the door slid open as shocked passengers rushed out. They gathered in stunned silence; mouth agape, hands over mouth as the body lay in front of the bus. Almost as suddenly the crowd shook itself into a frenzy as the scene in front  of them became clear.
He cursed under his breath. He was late, and standing in front of the mirror adjusting his tie, he noticed a sliver of red on his collar. He'd cut himself shaving, and having to look for a fresh shirt when he was late for a meeting was just what he needed. He tore off his shirt, grabbed a fresh one from his cupboard, dressed and ran out letting another expletive as his coffee very nearly tipped over towards him. It was just the morning he needed.
She was already hurrying to work, jacket over the arm holding the morning's brew from the corner coffee and bagels. Sunshades covered her eyes, swollen from a night's worth of crying, and a night's lack of sleep. She could only just swear as she tried to gather her wits around her, handbag swinging off a shoulder as she struggled to hang on to her files, jacket and coffee. She hardly noticed the kind old man who'd always start her day with a friendly hello and warm smile. It was just the morning she needed.
He felt a sense of remorse as he hurried, events of the previous night playing on his mind. the frustration of not being able to be with her, the wait. the anger, and the sarcasm. A quiet evening together ended with an argument and he'd turn on his heel and left her. In a fit of anger he'd switched off his phone, and now as it relentlessly beeped with all the messages and missed calls from her, he began to regret it. And as he crossed the street, he hardly noticed his bus coming around the corner a block away.
She left the place in tears, unable to hold back anymore. Too many people had a piece of her time, and it had been difficult, impossible even to see him like before. She had looked forward to the quiet time together, but got held back and before she could even apologize, he'd stormed off. As she fought a tear in the corner of her eye, she hardly noticed her bus coming down the street.
He texted a smiley, something he used to do when he missed her. He paused and added "I love you. m sorry c u on the bus" . He hit "Send" and stepped off the kerb to cross the street to Bus Stop 13. A blast of the air horn. A screeching of brakes. Pigeons fluttering away.
She cursed as her phone bleeped. She stopped and scrambled around for her phone. She stepped of the kerb towards Bus Stop 13 as she squinted to read the message. A blast of the air horn. A screeching of brakes. The coffee cup fell to the ground exploding its contents over the street as its cover detached.
It didn't take long for the crowd to grow. Muttering, shaking heads. Sirens.
She fell to the ground as she recognized the sprawled body..