Sunday, October 19, 2008


"Son, I'm most proud to have you as part of our family", his father -in-law the Chairman of the Board said. "In fact, you are just what this company needs to bring this forward.." And he went on and on as he walked through the office, his words interrupted every now and then by a "how are you, Mr Chairman," and other wishes as they walked through the office corridor.
".. a man of your talents .. with your family enterprise.. synergy..." His head swirled, the voice melding onto a blur. He knew now, no matter what they said about him, that his marriage, his employment and his role in the company was no more than the fact that their biggest threat, biggest competitor, is now part of their family. And, unknowingly, he had led himself into the lions den, naively believing that he was recognized for his may talents. And, his life is now one, big show, in which he can do no wrong, for as long as he stays married to that woman, for as long as everyone thinks he's part of the family, and ... the list goes on and on..
He's realized now that he was trapped, and what a huge trap it was that he's in. He felt like an antelope in a game reserve, going about its daily life springing in glee, not at all aware that it's actually not out in the wild, instead is in someone's land, fenced at every corner.
And he knew that he's too deep in it already. And these people were big, and he'd be stupid to fight, because they will break his bones and feed him to the dogs. Every major law firm had dealings with them, and every newsprint, politician, company and what-have-yous all line up to kiss their outstretched hand. And now, with his inclusion into their family, he'd already dragged his family concern into their side, and,... Well, he thought to himself, they way his family had been so supportive of his marriage, if he were to try fight them, their side will feed him to the dogs, and his family will turn whatever is left of him into mulch.

He couldn't have dug himself into a bigger hole.


Forager's Quest said...

Hhmm story getting interesting!
He's already in it, no way to get out. Most time families dont understand. He may as well enjoy his status, richness, etc. many ppl would hv trade for that kinda life.

Well, his wife is unfaithful to him 1st so what stop him from seeking his own life. No one needs to know, no one cares as long as the press doesn't know bout it.

Ajaran sesat betui!

Wonder what would unfold next!
would there be a way to ditch the father in law? evil evil
ha ha ha then the empire is his
but make sure he got no stupid will la.

engow said...

Interesting! Looking forward for ur next piece!