Monday, December 8, 2008

Miss you like Crazy

He sat next to her, and sat quietly as he watched her type away on the keyboard. He said nothing, but quietly watched her fingers fly across the keyboard, as the cursor swept across the monitor forming letters that became words that became sentences.
He admired how she sat upright, elbows tight on her sides, her body unmoving. And as he reached out his arm and curled it around her waist, she turned her head ever so slightly, looked at him from the corner of her eye, tilted her head and curled an approving smile from the corners of her mouth. And he curled his arm even tighter, pulling him close to her, filling his senses with the smell of her perfume.
The click of the door brought him into the present, and he found himself staring at a blank document page on his notebook pc. Once again, he gave himself a long sigh. It was only half a day since. He wondered how longer it would take for the long weekend to pass by. It already felt like a lifetime, and it would be two lifetimes more before he would see her again.
He ran the tips of his two longest fingers on his keyboard, tracing the edge of his computer. He remembered how her fingers, traced the edges of her computer as they conversed. Her pinky and thumb straight out, middle finger slightly curled to match the index; ring finger curled, showing off the diamond studded petals on her ring. He remembered lifting the two fingers by their tips, stroking them ever so lightly with his thumb, as she watched till he placed them on his lips.
“Are you ok?” his secretary asked, yanking him back into the present. She reeled off his appointments for the day, wrote down all the instructions and walked off, leaving him alone again with his thoughts.
This new girl in his department had been occupying his thoughts quite a bit of late. She had been an avid learner and spent late evenings at his office. He had grown quite fond of her company and really looked forward to evenings with her. He was very much at a loss now. He’d sent her outstation for three days, but today missed her presence.
He fired up the company portal and searched for her name. He felt the sudden rush of excitement as the computer returned her status “on line”. Should he send a message to her? Would she think that he didn’t trust her to do a good job and had to keep an eye on her? The paranoia bemused him for a while; he was the boss, for god’s sake, and it’s his right to check upon the progress of his crew.
He opened the message window and pondered over his message. He typed “hello”. Perhaps that was too informal. He deleted that and typed a longer introduction. Too long. Too formal. He typed and re-typed, each time balking at the idea of making friendly conversation. Finally, he typed “Hi. Just wondering how you’re coping.” He took a deep breath, and hit “Return” to send it. Almost immediately the message window showed a reply being written.
“Boy, that was one long message,” came the reply.
“What do you mean? “ he asked.
“Well, you sent me a blank message, and just as I was about to ask, I saw that you were typing, and typing, and typing, and I kinda wondered what kind of trouble I’m in. For twenty minutes I saw you typing. I was really expecting some memo. ”
“Well, I had to be sure that I chose the right words carefully, you know, this being your first time out on your own.” He replied. “Wouldn’t do to discourage you at this point.”
And he could imagine that cheeky smile he had become so fond of when he read her reply. “Yeah, right. Like I don’t know you miss me. :)”

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