Wednesday, February 25, 2009

He tried to end the call, but the caller kept the call going. He repeatedly mentioned how he had to go, and the caller even agreed with him, yet continued with the barrage of questions. Finally, desperate to end the all, he answered with a curt," yes. goodbye" and terminated the call. He pressed the 'off' button for good measure and looked up from his phone to see her walking in through the door. Tall and slim, she walked with a confident stride, and flashed a beaming smile when she saw him standing there, phone in one hand, bottle in the other.
He motioned her to his seat in the corner, and proceeded to pay for the bottle of juice he had in his hand.
She had taken her seat and made herself comfortable when he reached her. As he stooped over her shoulder to place her drink on the table, she turned to look at him, their eyes met briefly. He quickly placed the drink and looked away.
As always, she had her little notebook, purse and phone stacked neatly on top of one another at the corner of the table, and she sat with her elbows on her knees and hands clasped together. He noticed this time she hadn't had her ring on; and for a moment he wondered if it meant anything.
After their discussion, he walked her back to her office and at the ground floor resisted the temptation to follow her upstairs. He was glad to be able to see her, albeit briefly, and wished that the moment could last a little longer. As he said his goodbye, he fished out from his pocket a small package which he placed into her palm and closed her fingers over it with his hand. As he leaned forward to kiss her, the elevator door opened and people started to stream out; cursing his luck under his breath, he turned on his heel and walked away.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

One World, One Heart

His eyes narrowed as he scanned the view ahead of them. The sun was low on the horizon and in the dying light, the row of tail lights blazed bright red. They had just concluded a day of tough negotiations, and the drive home was quiet, both drained from the events of the day.
In between inching the car yet another bit forward, he stole a look at her. She was unspeaking, pensive even, eyes fixed on something far in the distance. She was lost in her thoughts.
He reached out and took her hand in his as she let out a long sigh. "penny for your thoughts", he said, as she turned to look at him with a smile.
She stroked the palm of his hand, and interlaced her fingers with his. He pulled her hand to him, kissed it and placed it on his lap. She looked at him, with an approving smile stroked his forearm with her other hand.
They began to speak about the events of the day, and the conversation invariably turned from work lives to their personal lives. And they began to marvel at how comfortable they were in each other's company, and how similar their dreams were. In moments like this, they were two people sharing one life, hearts beating in unison, and they were serene in the completeness of the being of the moment.
The cars were still inching in the late evening traffic. As darkness fell, headlights came on, she undid the buckle to her seatbelt and sidled over and put her head on his shoulder.
They continued their journey home, two people, perfect companions, holding hands. The inching of the cars, the flickering of the taillights, the tiredness melted away in the falling darkness as two people became one, lost in the warmth of each other.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Two Charades, one stage

"You know, I guess things aren't so bad," Harry said as he stared at the frothy top of his glass. He dipped his index finger into the froth and blew it off. "We're talking to each other, we're not arguing.." his voice trailed off. He took a swig of the lager and placed the pint mug with a heavy "thunk!" on the wooden bar top.
"It is rather frustrating to sit next to her, listening to her go on and on about her day; when deep inside I've waited all day for someone to talk to. But I guess", he continued, "she's had a long day too, and if not to me, who else could she be getting all this off her chest with?"
He listened to Harry, and nodded in agreement. His thoughts wandered to his own life.
"Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I'd put my arm around her, and she'd push it away. Its always like that, you know, too tired, not well, not in the mood. And I just feel that maybe I should not be sharing the bed."
He looked at Harry and felt sorry. Clearly the lager was taking its place on his mind. He sighed to himself. How many people talk about their sex lives with total strangers like him? He leaned forward to Harry, "I guess she's not quite your kind of gal, huh? What are you looking for?"
Harry looked at him with a glint in his eye. "Hey, buddy.. Lets not go there. In me is a lifetime of passion and pleasure waiting to be released. Yeah, get me a gal who can go on and on and on and I'll bet I'll still not be satisfied" Harry said, breaking into laughter at his own joke. "How's your sex life like, huh? C'mon, its your turn.."
He shook his head, motioned to the bartender and paid for Harry's drink. He left the smoky bar with the pounding music and the flashing lights. He thrust his hands deep into his pockets, shrugged and walked off into the night. It was a cool night with a light breeze, and the air smelt sweet after sitting in the bar.
He thought of his conversation with Harry. He thought about his own life. Married, leading separate lives, but in the public eye, the couple of the year. Harry's thinking of moving to another bed, but he himself has forgotten what its like to share one. He'd probably gone crazy too, if it wasn't for the fact he met the sweetest thing on the planet. She too in need of a companion, as was he, yet leading separate lives. Two charades, one stage.